A team needs a purpose, a raison d’être, an objective.
Without a purpose it isn’t really a team, just a bunch of people.
If you agree, then it seems reasonable that the clearer that purpose, the stronger the teamwork.
Is it clear what the purpose of your team is?
- Is it memorable?
- Can you write it down?
- Can your team write it down?
- Or is it management fluff?
- Do you know how well you have done?
- Can you measure how you are doing?
- Do you discuss progress?
- Honestly, with your team (not just your boss)?
- Do you talk with your team about how you could meet your purpose better?
- And then do something about it?
- Who decided what that purpose is?
- Does it support the teams around you?
- And the whole organisation?
Lots of questions
All of them obvious. But can you answer them?
If you can’t then you may be managing people but without a purpose you can’t be managing a team.
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Image by PV KS
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