In today’s world, particularly in the marketing business, social media plays a very tricky as well as an essential role. Right from how to cooking till how you can be fair-skinned in 10 days, yes!! Social media has all the answers. But, hey, do you too fall in the trap? Please, we need to be smart enough in using social media more wisely. Business ethics, or what we call as a corporate ethic, is one of the most crucial parts of any business goal. If you want to run long in the business, then be honest, because once-maligned can’t be trusted again.
Moreover, since, “Google doesn’t have an algorithm to degrade content when it’s no longer good advice,” says David Spark, the founder of Spark Media Solutions, a writer, and a podcaster. We need to act responsibly while posting, commenting, or following any post on social media. Being a human, we need to draw a particular line to prove and set an example to others and most importantly, to generation next, as we are heading to a humongous digital world, where we need to intact these ethics and emotions before we deprived ourselves of being the most sensible animal of this planet.
7 Things you need to stop the right way
1. Posting the same content.
Posting the same msg or forward the same content across multiple social networks, usually at the same time can turn out to be a lame idea. Tools like Hootsuite, available in the market, allows the marketers to access all the social network via one central platform. It’s tempting as on one click you can forward the same content immediately. Still ethically and if you are smart, you should not follow the steps followed by others. It is purely a lazy way which will not reflect well on the business. All social media is different; every post or repost act differently, too. Features such as hashtags rarely translate well across platforms, while character limits can play damage with copy and URLs. So use the information with complete authenticity, do own research, and come up with content that is yours originally.
2. Using other works without permission.
Just because you find everything under one click in the google does not allow you to use or apply the provided pieces of information and materials for your benefit, this is an utter example of unethical behavior. Using other peoples work, whether be it imagery, copy, music, or any other type of content. So the right and simple way are not to use and apply works of others unless you asked their permission or credit the creator if you have used some.
3. Hashtag use.
Desperation never proved a cool way to get noticed or accepted. Pleading for attention is not at all, “cool.” Using too many hashtags makes you findable, but it also makes you easy to neglect. You need to use them effectively on social media like:
• Research the popular and the relevant one before posting.
• Don’t post made up hashtags those not used by others as it might come out as a waste of valuable characters.
• Proofread the hashtags.
• Use capitalization to define the words.
• Use it sparingly.
4. Don’t be late to react.
Internet is full of challenges as all the net lovers loves these social media challenges, right from yoga/fitness challenge to the ice bucket challenge. Some popular one has hugely infected social feeds. Such a trend are at times proves to be the best attractive way to the business as they are fun, relevant, and economically cheap too. But it only works if it is done promptly, well-executed, and related to the market – showing up late to a party is bad, but showing up to the wrong party is worse.
5. Lack of proper planning.
For any social media to be successful and productive, it requires proper planning, smart execution, and constant analysis. The social media presence also plays a significant role, instead of continuous occurrence, maintain a regular presence which means schedule your time for social media while login to respond or reply to your followers.
According to Jay Baer of Convince & Convert, no. In a recent article he concluded;
“If you want to measure social media ROI, stop wasting your time doing software demos, and attending webinars. Just figure out what you want to track, where you can track it, think about both current customers and new customers, and go do it.”
Hootsuite‘s Comprehensive Guide to Social Media ROI is one the excellent starting point for anyone looking to measure the effectiveness of their social media activity.
6. Using inappropriate and offensive language.
Words always create a considerable effect on people, whether positively or negatively. Using some language which offends people will bring a negative impression to you. So say and deliver in the right way.
7. Using personal page to sale.
All your friends and relatives are aware of your business. As a well-wisher, they might like or comment, but selling on your personal page seems little unprofessional, so set up a business page to market your business is the proper way.
We at Inovies scrutinized, analyzed and craft what you want to post on the social media platform. We are here to help marketers like you as social media creates personal interactions and more quality leads, which land up as more quality conversations. So yes to social media …but the right way!