7 Common Ecommerce Customer Complaints And How to Handle Them


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Managing complaints is commonly the worst part of running your ecommerce business. No one enjoys being told what they’re doing wrong and even less when the whole world can see it. The easy option to ignore negative reviews and feedback may seem alluring, but it’s not going to help your business.

The good news is that we’re here to help you, with seven of the top customer complaints and how to set them right. Most of the solutions are pretty quick fixes too – so rather than burying your head in the sand, it’s time to tackle them once and for all.

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1. Poor Web Display

We all know first impressions count and it’s no different when it comes to your ecommerce webpage. A clear, well-designed landing page, accurate and helpful product pages, and ease of use across viewing devices can either bring customers in or turn them away before they even find what they’re looking for. 

Make sure your webpage is consistent and easy to navigate across all devices. There are plenty of plug-ins and applications to help with this. Also, ensure product images are up-to-date, giving the customer a sense of the size, materials used, and quality of the product. This helps your digital channel deliver all the information in one place, ensuring the customer gets exactly what they were expecting and preventing misconceptions from arising.

2. A Slow Website

A 2017 Google study found that the probability of bounce can increase as much as 90% as a page load time goes from one to five seconds. That’s huge. A slow website can be disastrous for your ecommerce business, as the longer customers have to wait, the more likely they are to look elsewhere. 

Audit your ecommerce site and note what is slowing it down. Something as simple as optimizing your images and graphics can speed up the loading time, keeping your customers engaged. Likewise, using automated software testing tools can highlight performance bottlenecks and website bugs, helping you to keep it running smoothly. 

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3. A Convoluted Checkout Experience

When a customer reaches the checkout, they assume they’re near the end of their purchasing journey, right? Yet too many ecommerce websites have digital payment methods that are over invloving. Of course, you need to get certain details from your customers and some details your company might find useful, but if it isn’t short and sweet, it’s going to become a pain point for customers.

Auto-fill features and predictive text can speed up a customer’s checkout, as well as saving information for future purchases. Be intentional about what information you ask for and make it clear which information is optional or required. Similarly, showing a customer what stage of checkout or their progress through it can motivate customers to complete their purchases and ensure no items are left in the cart. 

4. Unexpected Fees

Part of deciding to purchase a product is deciding that the price is reasonable. Finding out later that tax wasn’t included or there is a hefty delivery fee can really put a damper on the whole experience and even lead customers to look elsewhere. It can also damage the trust a customer has for your company, especially if it feels like you’re trying to sneak in extra fees.

Be upfront about the costs and fees of your products. Include them on the product page and in the shopping cart pop-up, even before you reach the checkout stage. Clearly display the currency you are dealing in and mention any international delivery charges well before the customer enters their details. 

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5. Lack of Security

Over 40% of customers are making their purchases via their computer, so having secure payment and checkout processes is non-negotiable. Getting browser warnings of being on an insecure web page or fishy-looking payment processes are a surefire way to damage your sales. Everyone wants to know their money is safe when paying online.

Using trustworthy payment providers, a secure network for your website, and following security protocols when managing customer details can all help protect you and the customer. Even during a consultation with a customer, use a secure telepresence application that has protective software against hackers. 

6. Poor Delivery Service

The purchase has been made. However, you can’t rest on your laurels quite yet. Your delivery service is just as much a part of the customer experience as browsing your website, going through the checkout, or making a payment. Lack of delivery information can put a customer on edge and the condition the product arrives in can fuel either praise or complaint.

Although you may be at the mercy of a postal service, give the customer as much information as possible. Sending automated emails when the product is dispatched along with a tracking number and confirmation of delivery can all set the customer’s mind at ease. Also, anticipate rough handling and properly package the product – it’s a loss for both you and your customer when something arrives broken or damaged. 

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7. Unsatisfactory Customer Service

Despite all your best efforts, you’re likely to still end up with some complaints every once in a while. You could ignore them and focus on the positives, but complaints offer you a great opportunity to showcase the values and professionalism of your company. They may even point out a problem that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise.

Apologize for your mistakes and remedy them in the best possible way, as soon as possible. Don’t try to hide the complaints – to those who have seen it, it’s going to look like pretty shady behavior from you. Your call center quality monitoring can also be crucial in ensuring a high standard of customer service for complainants, by reassuring and appropriately responding to disgruntled customers. 

Customer Complaints Cleared Up

Handling complaints need not be solely a reactive task. The best way to minimize complaints is to give customers nothing to complain about. Take initiative and smooth out potential problems before a customer points them out. Anticipate what areas of your ecommerce venture could be improved and redeveloped. 

It’s a constant learning process and mistakes are bound to happen occasionally, but by resolving them quickly and owning them, your ecommerce business will be all the better for it. Everybody receives complaints, it’s what you do with them that makes the difference.

Jenna Bunnell
Jenna Bunnell is the Senior Manager for Content Marketing at Dialpad, an AI-incorporated cloud-hosted unified communications system that provides valuable call details for business owners and sales representatives. She is driven and passionate about communicating a brand’s design sensibility and visualizing how content can be presented in creative and comprehensive ways.


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