6 Benefits of Building a Remote Team


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The rise of remote work might be unavoidable, and you should want to take advantage. Allowing remote work can benefit not only your employees but you as a manager and the organization as a whole.

Here are some benefits of building a remote team:

1. Lower business costs

One of the great benefits of building a remote team is lower business costs. Living in these difficult times has made us tight on our budgets, barely leaving any room for non-essential functions.

Building a remote team fits perfectly in this idea since it helps connect with all colleagues while saving day-to-day workplace costs. You can organize meetings, conduct one-on-one help sessions, and bond with team members with various fun activities, all at the comfort of their homes.

By offering more remote work options, Dell saved $12 million a year in office space costs.

2. Widening the talent pool

Building a remote team doesn’t create a lot of difference in the daily work of an organization. But, it adds immensely to the existing talent pool. You can hire employees regardless of their geographical location if you think they’re an excellent fit for the job.

Employees can collaborate virtually and contribute much better to the project at hand. Team building ensures that people coordinate among themselves to complete a task at their convenience and save time.

3. More engaged workforce

Virtual team building ensures that your employees remain more engaged with the organization. They can discuss, collaborate and accomplish as per their convenience.

While working from home can make it difficult to concentrate, team building ensures that employees can work together, break the ice more easily and work collaboratively to accomplish their goals.

One thing you can do is remind people of the good times before and ensure that you are with them in these challenging situations.

4. More diverse workforce

An organization that has employees from different walks of life brings in the best work culture. Be it different geographical locations, race, gender, etc., remote team building allows you to celebrate it.

You can build meaningful relationships with your employees and nurture them to bring out their best. Remote team building also ensures that employees develop sensitivity to each other and learn to embrace and work in diversity.

5. Offer flexibility to employees

The average employee is willing to give up 8% of their wages for the option to work from home. (Source)

With remote team building, you can offer a great deal of flexibility to your employees when it comes to day-to-day work. While you can discuss, collaborate and achieve together, teams are free to work at their convenience.

Constantly working under tight deadlines and adhering to strict work schedules can cause burnout. A virtual team building ensures that teams work cohesively without having to stick to definite work hours.

6. Higher retention rates

Employees love an organization that boosts their morale helps them increase their productivity, and has a growth-focused work culture. At the same time, there should be an environment of enthusiasm at the workplace.

With remote team building, you can work on all of these aspects effortlessly. Organize meetups and brainstorming sessions where everyone can present their ideas.

Similarly, have a one-on-one session and fun time-out once or twice a week to give your hard-working teams a break they deserve. This way, your employees stay happy and loyal to your organization, knowing that they are valued.

Pawan Kumar
Hi, I'm Pawan. I'm an Inbound Marketer and Content Creator at Springworks. An Introvert storyteller who loves reading. I’ve been featured on Jeff Bullas, MarketingProfs, Entrepreneur, SEMrush, Social Media Today, and Many More. Don't hesitate to connect with me on social media.


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