In every sales situation, be it selling yourself or for your company, the one that wins is the salesmen that shows the most enthusiasm, that has the most energy, that makes buying interesting and fun and has the ability to provide value.
People buy based on emotions
All of us wish we could make buying decisions rationally but it is always an emotional decision.
What happens is that we decide to buy and then try to come up with as many rational reasons that we can.
Use this!
Since it isn’t the rational argument that is the most important it is the fact that your customers want to or don’t want to buy from you that make the difference.
You need to be someone they want to do business with, because if you are they will find a reason to do it.
How to be someone you want to do business with
There are 4 things that you can think about and that will help you make the emotional decisions go your way.
The salesman who has the most energy and lets you share that energy will automatically make you like them. If you like the salesman you will want to do business with them.
Smiling makes people feel welcome, relaxed, appreciated and important. If you smile at your customers they will automatically be more relaxed around you and like you more.
This goes for both your appearance and your manner. If you are professional your customers will trust you, they will relax and feel as though they are in good hands. They know that you know what you are talking about.
Be Prepared
This is the only point in which what you actually say matters. You have to be able to confidently and professionally answer your customers’ questions. It is a important part of building the trust required to sell.
Using this to get the sale
If you get your customers to take the emotional decision to buy, they will find the reasons for you. Make sure to think about these 4 points in every sales situation and you will sense a difference in the atmosphere in your meetings.
Anyone can sell, it is just about pushing the right buttons. Take your time to build a relationship with your customers and you will see that the time is well invested.
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Photo Credit: brennuskrux