5 Tips for Staffing Your Startup with Customer Focused Talent


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It can be challenging to find the right staff for your startup. It’s even more difficult to find customer centric talent for a fledgling business. Many young professionals are more focused on developing skills needed to acquire new customers rather than nurturing current ones for cross-sell and up-sell opportunities, but these are the most likely startup employees.

For businesses, it’s difficult to locate these customer focused unicorns and attract them to a startup environment. First, your brand is still largely unknown to job applicants. Secondly, you may have no idea how to proceed with the recruitment process. Lastly, you may not be able to offer the same salary and benefits packages as larger organizations. These recruiting hurtles can be overcome with these five startup staffing tips.

1. Create Clear Job Descriptions

The first step for staffing your startup is to define the skills and characteristics of the ideal candidate. It helps the company evaluate the suitability of applicants, and you can promote your company.

The job description should include all the relevant information besides the key responsibilities. They should also list the compensation and perks the company offers to candidates. A clear explanation will make the organization stand out from competitors in the eyes of the applicant.

2. Develop A Clear Path for Growth

The startup can attract highly skilled candidates by outlining the path and potential for career growth. These opportunities will encourage your staff to put more effort into building your business. But prospective employees want to know that you recognize their efforts.

The growth opportunities you present to candidates can either be financial, personal or career growth. For example, the company may offer attractive bonuses for employees who have a track record of exceptional performance in sales or customer service.

Besides financial incentives, the startup can provide professional opportunities for growth. Incentives may include training or a chance to lead an important project.

3. An Exciting Workplace Culture

For a business to be successful, it has to motivate the workforce to focus on its goals, especially a startup. Therefore, startups need to develop an exciting workplace culture to realize their objectives.

You can define culture as the attitudes, objectives, and norms that characterize an organization. It helps to manage the expectations for recruits, partners, and suppliers of the business.

If your startup has an exciting workplace, it is easier to attract highly skilled candidates. If you invest in the company’s culture, you can gain in the long-term by drawing in the best talent.

4. Training for Your Workforce

Training is essential for CX roles, but it is even more critical for startups. New businesses struggle to find the right talent or a fit for niche areas. The challenges of getting capital and the novelty of the service may require special skills.

Training is also crucial for the startup if compliance is a critical part of the business venture. Regulations can change with time, so continuous training is necessary to meet the requirements.

Ventures in science and production tend to benefit the most from training programs. That’s because the industry is continuously developing new technologies and techniques.

It is advisable to have different programs to minimize risks and increase the startup’s chances of success. You ought to understand that employees learn in different ways, for example, visual, verbal, or writing. By developing digital courses, you can ensure your workforce has access to training whenever necessary.

5. Promote Your Brand to Top Candidates

While the startups may seek top candidates, it is not easy to reach out to applicants. The brand is still unknown, and there is often a lack of trust. The best way to circumvent the problem is to promote your company as an ideal employer.

Whether you’re hunting for talent or using a staffing agency, the company should have an information resource. You may create a career page that showcases the startup, its mission, and its goals.


As a startup, you can expect staffing to be more challenging than with an established business. It is advisable to understand the unique needs of your company. Remember, the steps you take today will influence the direction of the venture in the future.

Matt Shealy
Matt is a seasoned marketing leader working with brands ranging from SAP to Campaign Monitor. Matt’s strategic vision has brought together technology, influencers and brand marketers to produce, amplify and measure innovative influencer marketing campaigns. As SwayyEm's Founder/CEO, Matt’s focus is to lead the charge in connecting brands with their consumers in a meaningful, authentic way.


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