Let’s go back to school and relive all the pleasant memories. Try recollecting your favorite friends and the moments you spent with them. Also, recollect memories of your favorite teachers. You will experience a bit of nostalgia creeping in. Those were the days! Now let’s try recollecting something that wasn’t really pleasant at all – TESTS!
Yes, a lot of us were scared of tests. But did you ever think why those tests were done on a regular basis? The answer is simple – the tests helped teachers evaluate the progress you made at school. It gave you the opportunity to understand where you were lacking, helping you improve your scores.
As adults, most of us don’t need to take tests anymore. And we have gained enough life experience to face life confidently. But there are certain scenarios where testing is a way of life. I am referring to software and web design. This article focuses on why you should be using A/B testing as part of your B2B marketing strategy to understand your website’s effectiveness.
For those who are not aware, A/B testing is a proven method to arrive at the most ideal marketing strategy for your website, paid ad or email campaign. Let’s find out why you should opt for A/B testing.
1. Understanding what people think of your website
Okay, you have launched a good-looking website. What’s next? How do you gauge whether your website has won the appreciation of your target audience? The way ahead is A/B testing. You will be able to get an opinion of how well your site is faring with the end-user.
2. Gaining more conversions
The main purpose of having a website is to gain leads for your business. Perform A/B multi-variant tests to understand how much work you need to do to get the conversion you seek.
3. Finding answers to bounce rate concerns
Does your website have a high bounce rate? Maybe it’s ideal to do a test to find out the reason why people choose to run away from your site! A/B testing can highlight flaws in the design of your website, allowing you to make necessary rectifications.
4. Helping you plan for your website’s future
Time brings about a lot of changes and the same applies to your website. You may need to tinker with your site’s functionality to serve the varying tastes of your target audience. A/B testing will help you determine which changes will prove useful for your site’s future. Make the right decision on changing the website based on the results you get!
5. Gaining the traffic you seek
And finally, we arrive at the most important use of A/B testing – figuring how to gain maximum traffic! Find out which factors help to drive maximum traffic, whether its meta tags or design elements.
We hope the 5 reasons provided here encourage you to opt for A/B testing of your website. We wish your website the very best in the online world!