Being a top salesperson is a challenging endeavor in any industry. Lead generation is an ongoing challenge and wherever and whatever you sell, you have to rise up and utilize well-established and proven techniques in order to strike a bargain. Beyond everything else, you need to possess in-depth knowledge about the products and services you are offering.
Likewise, one must know the industry sectors backward and forward. Still, it is precisely outside the borders of this conventional wisdom that the true greatness is shaped. Here are some tips that will help you hone your skills and boost the volume of sales both to existing and new clients.
Tell a story
Adding value to clients is the key to success, but the same goes for knowing how to communicate with them. Strings of unrelated pieces of information and barren figures are no match for the craft of good storytelling. People remember parts of the story much better, so you are much more likely to make a lasting impression. Try to be a problem-solver, not a wheeler-dealer.
Maintain a natural flow of conversation, be confident, and make the customer feel comfortable. Your approach must have both a cognitive and emotional component if it is to yield results. This kind of positive experience takes time, knowledge, and effort to create, but it is the most potent weapon of any salesperson.
Due diligence
Strive to be persistent and know that giving up is not an option. On average, it takes five to seven contacts to land a deal with a large corporate buyer or a C-suite. On the other hand, an average seller gives up after three to five unfruitful attempts, which shows a discrepancy and faults in the sales strategy.
It goes without saying that you should do your homework and learn everything you can about target clients and their history. Figure out an ideal customer profile and then proceed to work out a tactic. Focus on your target market, work your call lists, and ask for referrals. In addition, plan ahead of time and come up with a sound prospects calendar.
Get social
Social media has changed the sales game. First off, major networks, like LinkedIn, give sales professionals a chance to generate nurtured leads. This process, of course, involves providing valuable information about the company and offerings to clients prior the sale. That way, a salesperson can assume a position of authority and become a resource for the buyer: According to studies, such leads tend to bring 47% more profit than those handled by cold calls.
Do not overlook the importance of Facebook advertising and marketing, which are utterly crucial for B2C professionals. Also, do not waste time with the platform if your customers are nowhere to be found.
Razor-sharp focus
The best sales professionals are those who manage to be direct without stepping over to the overwhelming and pushy area. Grab attention right away and focus it on what you are offering to maximize the chances of people accepting your offer. So, you can leave out that typical “is this a good time to talk”.
Get straight to the point of explaining how your product or service can make a difference in the client’s life and business. It is also not a good idea to bring up the competition in your calls: Do not give clients a reason to doubt your competence or conjure images of other people’s products and services.
Tech tools
Finally, like some of the most accomplished sales people of today, you must not fail to utilize visual instruments. Images are an incredibly powerful tool of sparking attention, evoking emotions, and inspiring people. The attention spans of today are shortened and the window of opportunity closes fast. Moreover, our brains process visual cues way faster than the same information in a textual form.
Thus, master the art of visual storytelling and embed it in all your presentations. Take advantage of content such as short videos, infographics, or PowerPoint presentations. At last, note that you can integrate them with apps and make them available to customers on the go.
Hit big
In order to stay on top of the game, one has to learn to be a good storyteller and inject lasting ideas into people’s minds. Engage the imaginative and emotional parts of the brain, not just the rational mind. Know the problems your customers have and offer straightforward solutions for them. Be the first to call and the last to back down. Build a social media presence and build swell content.
These techniques can be incorporated into any type of sale and make difference between fizzle and success. So, fill your sales pipelines with top-notch leads, climb up the career ladder, sell more, and service better in 2017 and beyond.