Whether you realize it or not, companies are creating customer campaigns around you all the time. In these instances, their campaigns are in the form of surveys (usually mobile) designed to engage users and learn about how existing customers feel. If you have a few minutes, I’d like to share with you several methods for getting the most honest feedback from your customers possible. As well as why launching mobile surveys are worth the considerable amount of time and effort.
1. Be Wary Of Email
In virtually every industry of the business world, no business owner or employee can deny the importance of knowing how paying customers feel about their company. Even when companies do try to interact—via email—with their customers, their emails trying to reach out are often automatically marked as spam or end up in the Promotions folder. Without letting customers know that their insights and opinion are wanted, those customers won’t feel valued – and will take their business elsewhere. Therefore, instead of using email to sell more products or services, invite your customers to have a conversation. Ask them directly what it is they do and do not like about the company.
2. Make People Feel Important
In his seminal book, How To Win Friends and Influence People, author Dale Carnegie made a compelling insight. He stated that everyone on Earth wants to feel important; to have people seek out their opinions about matters and issues. (Don’t you personally often wish people would ask you for your experience and expertise on certain topics?)
The survey is a “tool” that directly asks your paying customers for their insights and overall experience about doing business with your company. By making them feel more valued, they will tend to give you the honesty you’re looking for. The bottom line is: by making your customers feel more important than other companies do (or do not), they will remain a loyal customer to your business for ages.
3. Streamline
The fact is, as much as we want customers to be head-over-heels in love with our company… they aren’t. Our businesses are not more important to them, in their lives. That’s why it is vital to keep surveys short; questions should be easily scannable, with no questions that require serious or difficult thought. The main objective of customer surveys isn’t to learn how you can improve your business. The main objective of customer survey is how you can serve your customers better in the future. In order to find out about this information, so that you can use it effectively, questions on the questionnaire survey must be pithy, concise and direct.
4. No Overload
No matter how inclined you are to soak up as much knowledgeable information from customers as possible, bombarding them with questions in surveys is not the way to do it. Including two or more questions per line is the most unproductive concept imaginable. Imagine walking into a restaurant where the waiter asks for your order. Before you can finish answering, he then asks you how would you like your order cooked. Without letting you open your mouth, he then smiles and thanks you for your time. Would you feel like he cared about you or your time? The principle behind this is simple: ask one question per line/sentence. Adding more than one question causes confusion, muddiness, and unprofessionalism.
Customers and clients alike enjoy engaging with the companies they do business with. Nobody on earth willingly hands over their hard-earned money to companies and corporations without knowing who they are giving that money to. Send your clients well-thought out, and professional customer surveys that prove you value them as equally as they value themselves. There is virtually little-to-no other way that is more efficient for gathering knowledge about how you can improve your business. Paying clients and customers are the lifeblood of every single business in the world: without them, most businesses go belly up in no time at all. Keep your customers satisfied by engaging them with questions focused on them.