4 Elements of Modern Website Design You Need to Know About


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Every business needs a website. No matter what industry you are in, a website can help you boost your visibility, gain more exposure, generate leads, and ultimately boost your sales for more profit.

But that’s not it. There’s so much more a website can do to help your business become successful. For example, most customers will visit your website and take a tour of it before they make a purchase. You can use this opportunity to highlight your offers and convince them to buy more.

You can even use it to build credibility by displaying customer testimonials. Many marketers also offer customer support through their sites. In a way, your website is one of your biggest assets in helping you create a successful business.

So it’s important for you to design it with all the modern elements that can not just boost user experience but also help you remain at the top of your marketing game.

But how do you do that? If you’re not sure how to create a professional website complete with all modern elements, stop worrying now. In the following section of this article, we’ll tell you about some of the most important elements of website design that can keep you ahead of your competitors.

So let’s find out,

1. Optimized Speed

Imagine a situation in which you excitedly land on a website, hoping that you’ll make some purchase. But as you browse through it, you have to wait endlessly for a single product to be fully visible. The website is so slow that the loading sign doesn’t seem to disappear. What would you do? Keep scrolling or opt-out of the website?

If you chose the second option, you’re definitely on the right track. No one likes slow websites. Sites that take longer to load have a higher bounce rate and lower average time on the page. Not to mention, it majorly affects your conversion rate too. According to reports, even a single-second delay in your loading speed can bring down your conversion rate by 7%.

If you don’t want that to happen to your business, you have to optimize your website speed. It’s one of the most important elements of web design that can improve the user experience on your site. If your site takes longer than 1.7 seconds to load, it’s time to work on optimizing it for the best results. The low speed can be because of your web hosting service, unoptimized images, bulky files, etc. Figure out the reason that’s causing it and fix it at the earliest possible.

2. White Space

Many marketers don’t consider white space as an important factor when designing their websites. But it’s the white space that helps you balance elements on your page and create a natural flow for the user to navigate through your content. This makes it easy for the user to read the content and digest the information.

Not just that, using white space within your content helps you build specific focal points on the webpage, which makes it easy to direct user attention to a specific layout without any distraction.

So if you’re in the habit of not using much white space in your web design, try doing the opposite. Leaving white space doesn’t necessarily mean the excessive use of the color white. You can also use different colors for branding or visual appeal.

Just leave enough blank space between your elements and create smaller paragraphs when you publish your content. You’ll see how pleasing your design becomes without any extra effort.

3. High-quality Product Images

You must have heard this several times before. But let me repeat it once again for you. A single image can speak a thousand words. This is especially true if you’re running an online store.

The eCommerce business has seen a massive boom in the past couple of years. And people prefer seeing high-quality images of the products before they really buy them. This helps them understand what to expect when the parcel arrives at the doorstep.

But that’s not the only reason why you need to use images on your website. Using good images can also make your content more engaging. This, in turn, will help you retain your users for longer and thus reduce your bounce rate.

4. Actionable CTA

The CTA or Call-to-action is another very important element of your website. It is like a passage that leads users to achieve what they are looking for. So not adding it to your website would only confuse them and make them leave your site. But more than that, it means losing a potential customer for your business.

Using a CTA strategically can help you boost your conversions. However, in doing so, you need to know how to make them attract people’s attention.

The best way to do that is to use actionable verbs like ‘subscribe’, ‘buy now, ‘click,’ etc. This helps users understand what exactly you want them to do to get what you’re offering. Another important tip to make your CTA more catchy is to use colors that contrast with the background color. This will make your CTA stand out, and it will automatically draw your user’s attention.

Designing a good website doesn’t simply mean how good it is to look at. There’s no point in having a beautiful website if it takes forever to load, or misses important elements like CTA, etc. Removing such errors can not only help you build a powerful website but can also boost user experience.

Syed Balkhi
Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. With over 10 years of experience, he’s the leading WordPress expert in the industry. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.


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