Succeeding in business boils down to one thing — trust. If people trust your business, they’ll be happy to spend their hard-earned money on your products and services, and they’ll gladly tell their friends and colleagues about you. Without their trust, you’ll always feel like you’re trying to get to the other side of the ocean in a rowboat!
If you’re going to make your business more trustworthy, you’ve got to focus on your web content. After all, that’s the only way you get to “talk” to people online. You don’t necessarily have to throw your existing content strategy in the garbage and start over from scratch, though. Instead, making a few simple changes can be enough to convince customers that you’re as trustworthy as it gets.
Start with these 3 tweaks:
1. Put an “About Us” page on your website
If it’s written properly, the rest of your website is customer-oriented — meaning the content focuses on how your products and services can make your customers’ lives better. The “About Us” page is the one spot on your website where you can put all of the focus on yourself. Specifically, talk about the terrific team you’ve assembled, what all of your qualifications are, and what makes you better than the competition.
“About Us” pages don’t have to be long to be effective. In fact, you can say a lot in 200 or 300 words! Most importantly, you’ll get to prove to people that you don’t just talk the talk — you also walk the walk.
2. Proofread, proofread, proofread
To you, using “to” instead of “too” may be a simple mistake. (After all, you’re human!) However, to anyone who’s reading your content, it means one of two things — you’re either not as smart as you claim to be, or you’re too lazy to proofread something as important as your own web content. Neither one of these conclusions is going to make people trust you!
So, before you publish anything online, proofread it carefully. If spelling and grammar aren’t one of the many things you excel at, pay a professional to proofread your content for you. If that seems like a waste of money, just imagine all of the money you’ll miss out on if people think you’re dumb and lazy!
3. Start up a blog — or tweak the one you’ve got
Putting a blog on your website is a great way to “talk” to your audience on an ongoing basis. If you use your blog to talk about new developments in your industry, analyze different things, and offer your opinion, you’ll naturally be seen as trustworthy. After all, you’re not just trying to jam a sales pitch down everyone’s throats. Instead, you’re offering up legitimate information that your audience genuinely needs to know. That proves your website is a go-to resource for news and insights, and eventually, you’ll be seen as an authority in your industry.
If you’ve already got a blog on your website, take a close look at it. Are you offering genuine information, or are you simply trying to disguise a sales pitch as a blog post? Are you updating it on a regular basis, or are you letting it get stale? If you really want your readers to trust you, you’ve got to be committed to providing a steady stream of helpful information — without any sales strings attached.