If you were at Eloqua Experience last week, you probably heard a lot of stats cited. It’s inevitable. At every event we hear statistics rattled off as speakers and attendees attempt to quantify the world around them.
It’s for good reason. Data is simply exploding as social, mobile and apps change the way we work, collaborate and deliver marketing campaigns. As marketers, we need to be able to represent these changes in an easily understandable way. That’s probably why I heard many requests for access to many of the stats cited at Eloqua Experience.
Your wish is our command. Here are 20 modern marketing stats you might want to sprinkle in your next presentation, your emails or simply show your colleagues.
78% of B2B buyers start their research with search. (Source)
51% of B2B marketers currently spend 10% or less of their budget on search. (Source)
Two-thirds of CMOs believe marketing ROI will be their top effectiveness measurement by 2015. (Source)
The number of smartphones has grown 18.9 million in 2008 to 106.7 million in 2012. (Source)
Smartphone owners download an average of 41 mobile apps. (Source)
88% of online users have given intentionally incorrect information when creating a new online account. (Source)
The average number of emails sent and received by a corporate account was 112 in 2011. (Source)
Effective use of sales intelligence increases revenue productivity per sales rep by 17%. (Source)
90% of the data in the world today was created in the last two years. (Source)
The average marketing budget among high-tech companies is expected to rise 13% in 2013. (Source)
Monthly video viewership grew by 330% between 2008 and 2012. (Source)
When the average order value is above $10,000, 70% of buyers say they view four or more pieces of content. (Source)
Demand for marketing automation software is expected to reach a penetration rate of 50% by 2015. (Source)
78% of B2B buyers go directly to vendors’ websites. (Source)
50% of B2B buyers turn to social media/peer reviews. (Source)
Cloud-based CRM sales are expected to nearly $6.4 billion by 2015. (Source)
One in every five minutes spent online is spent on social networking sites. (Source)
Facebook is adding 600,000 mobile users per day. (Source)
More than 700,000 apps have been developed for the iPhone and Android devices. (Source)
36% of marketing emails were opened on a mobile device. (Source)