The amount of content that is created and published on the Internet is growing faster than the automated tools can sort through it. The mere volume of information can make it difficult to determine the real, relevant content vs. the fake, “spammy” communications.
While algorithms have gotten better at detecting spam, they aren’t keeping up with the massive tide of real-time data from social medial platforms and mobile devices. The amount of data is mind-blowing and is increasing every day.
50 Facts for Data Geeks
- In 24 hours, enough information is consumed online to fill 168 million DVDs
- 294 billion emails are sent every day
- Each day 2 million blog posts are written
- 22 million hours of tv and movies are watched on Netflix in 24 hours
- 864,000 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube each day
- In 24 hours, more than 35 million apps are downloaded
- 66 percent of online adults are connected to one or more social media platforms
- 50 percent of social media users say they check in to their favorite networks first thing in the morning
- 72% of marketers handle social media themselves, the rest outsource
- Beginning of 2012 Facebook had 850 million users
- 172 million people visit Facebook each day
- 4.7 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day
- 29% of brands on Facebook have offered deals within the channel
- Facebook accounts for approximately 26% of referral traffic
- Of the 850+ million Facebook users, 31% check in more than once a day
- 39% of business owners said they plan on spending money on facebook marketing in 2012
- Beginning of 2012 Twitter had 500 million registered users
- 40 million visit Twitter each day
- 36% of Twitter users tweet at least once per day
- Twitter users send 175 million tweets each day
- Only 23% have used Twitter to promote a social-only deal, such as a coupon or discount available only to Twitter users who click the link
- 70% of businesses ignore complaints on Twitter
- 64% of users access Twitter via
- 1 million accounts are added to Twitter every day
- Most users are found in the USA, then Brazil, Japan and the UK
- 69% of users follow others because of recommendations from friends
- Beginning of 2012 LinkedIn had 135 million users
- 22 million visit LinkedIn each day
- LinkedIn accounts for about 0.20% of referral traffic
- There are 2 million companies on LinkedIn
- LinkedIn users are the most educated – 50% have a Bachelor’s or Graduate Degree
- Beginning of 2012 Google+ had 90 million users
- 20 million visit Google+ each day
- Google+ accounts for about 0.22% of referral traffic
- Just 29% of Google+ users are female
- 42% of Google+ users are single
- The top occupation is student (20%)
- Beginning of 2012 Pinterest had 10.4 million users
- 17 million visit Pinterest each day
- Pinterest is retaining and engaging users 2-3 times better than Twitter was at a similar time in Twitter’s company history
- Pinterest accounts for about 3.6% of referral traffic (according to Shareaholic study), compared to 3.61% for Twitter
- Over 80% of Pinterest pins are ‘repins’
- 30% of Pinterest users are between 25-34 years
- More iPhones are sold than people are born each day
- Globally smartphone sales are expected to increase by 25% from 472 million in 2011 to 630 million in 2012
- 38% of people who use social media on mobile devices say their main activity is general browsing
- Sales via social commerce are expected to reach $30 billion within five years
- 45% of social media users are at least ‘somewhat’ comfortable providing credit card details through social media channels
- 34% would be more likely to share information about a purchase on a social media site than one on a traditional e-commerce site
- 74% wouldn’t use an alternative currency (eg. Facebook credits) to make a purchase on a social media site
Every day more and more data is created by the movements you and your customers make online. What will you share today? What will people remember you for?