Well made infographics have a way of clearing up clutter, organizing stray bits of data into a coherent narrative.
For marketers this kind of visual organization is invaluable for one simple reason: we’ve got a lot on our minds. We’re taking on so many roles, and have so much data thrown at us, that infographics can be clarifying.
With that in mind, we wanted to present 11 infographics marketers will probably want to download, print out and keep near their desks.
1. The State of Email Marketing
In an age where social media is all the rage, it can be easy to forget just how effective email marketing is. Constant Contact offered a reminder in the form of an infographic. Next time someone asks why you’re so interested in email, you can point here.
2. The Blog Tree
There have been a few versions of the Blog Tree, but the original still stands the test of time. The Blog Tree highlights the roots and connection between business bloggers of all stripes. You’ll want to keep it close as you consider which influencers to reach out to.
3. How Do Social Login & Sharing Affect Ecommerce?
The popularity of social sign-on has risen, but many marketers are not sure of the benefits. Monetate produced this helpful infographic on the demand for social sign-on, and its benefits on commerce and content sharing.
4. 7 Facts About Data Quality
Data is not the sexiest topic for marketers. But dirty data is a scourge to any marketing initiative. You’ll want to keep InsightsSquared’s infographic as a reminder that data shouldn’t be an afterthought in your marketing.
5. A History of Disruptive Innovations in B2B Marketing
There have been so many disruptions to B2B marketing, it’s hard to keep track. That’s why we produced an infographic that charts where we’ve been and where we’re headed. It’s a great history primer to keep near your desk.
6. Are You Ready to Launch Your Lead Gen Team?
Lead generation is a vital part of any B2B company’s marketing efforts. It’s a complicated affair with lots of moving parts. Open View Labs helps keep the priorities straight by asking the right questions in this infographic.
7. The Content Grid V2
Many marketers recognize the huge role content plays in their game plan. A majority of B2B marketers use content for both awareness and driving leads, for instance. But mapping the right piece of content to the right stage of the buying cycle can feel like a mystery. That’s probably why our Content Grid V2 has been so popular, helping marketers understand what fits where.
8. How to Get More Likes on Facebook
More comic than infographic, the always funny site The Oatmeal nevertheless provides great visual instruction on what not to do on the social Web. Marketers have a tendency to be overzealous with social buttons. The Oatmeal succinctly corrects this behavior.
9. The Periodic Table of SEO Ranking Factors
It’s a truism of modern marketing: If you’re not on the first page of Google, you don’t matter. There are many factors to ranking in search. Thankfully, Search Engine Land presents them in a form you’ve known since high school.
10. How Does Google AdWords Work?
Many marketers just get thrown into the world of search marketing. For those who don’t live and breathe AdWords, Pulp Media provides a checklist of how it all works.
11. How a Bad Infographic Can Ruin Your Business
Before you rush off and make your own infographic – like everyone else – this infographic should give you pause. Infographic.com explains how poor quality can have negative consequences.
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