Apple copywriters know how to write a great copy. I read a blog that revealed eleven techniques adopted by Apple copywriters. This blog expressed the techniques used by Apple copywriters for the IPhone 5.
Upon reviewing the sales copy for the Apple watch, I realised more techniques adopted by the Apple copywriting team, to persuade visitors to buy the Apple watch.
Let’s take a good look into these interesting techniques.
1) A big arrival idea: When you visit, the tag line or central theme is: “The watch is here.” This is more of an announcement tagline, which makes it sound like after much wait the product is finally here. It is meant to create a sense of urgency and excitement. It is like a mum that goes to pick her toddler from the play group, and tells the child: “Mum is here.” Uttering that reinforces the mum’s presence. Tip: In a sales copy, you have to make an arrival statement with your new product. It gives a sense of excitement and urgency.
2) Creating an air of anticipation: The best sales copy announce a great product or service but hook up customers, by making them feel there is more to come. Customers end up purchasing the product and keep their ears open for future releases or versions. Apple has this caption about the watch: “Our most personal device yet.” The word ‘Yet’ entails that there are great products that will be released in the future. Tip: Sales copies are not just about selling products or services to people but also converting them to repeat buyers, by creating an impression that there are great products or services to come. Getting them hooked to your brand is key.
3) Making it personal by literally using the word ‘Personal:’ Apple copywriters utilised the word “Personal” effectively. A section of the copy reads thus: “So using it is a whole new experience. One that’s more personal than ever.” Copies that bring out the personal touch of people are powerful. The copywriters stated that it is more personal than ever. Making it sound like the watch is the most personal device ever made. This is meant to arouse emotions and uniqueness. Tip: The use of words like ‘Personal’ ‘You’ ‘Your,’ are very powerful in creating that connection between the feelings of your visitors and the product.
4) Stating how the product creates possibilities: People want products or services that make the impossible possible. They want products to help them do what was previously unachievable. Apple’s copy goes thus: “They let you do familiar things more quickly and conveniently. As well as something’s that simply weren’t possible before.” Tip: Emphasise the possibility your product or service enables. It could also be viewed from the features and benefits perspective.
5) Number specification: The use of numbers creates a graphic picture in the minds of your readers. Apple copywriters wrote this about the watch: “It keeps time within 50 milliseconds of the definitive global time standard.” The use of numbers in web copies breeds credibility and clarity. Tip: It is advisable to use numbers that are relevant to the product or service been written about.
6) A customisation element is important: Every great service or product has an element of customisation. People want the experience to be designed according to their needs. The copywriters utilised the words “custom” and “customised” on a few occasions. Showing that it’s a product that is designed to adjust to the demands of her customers. Tip: Customization is very important. If you can’t customise the product your sell, you could consider tailoring the experience, according to the needs of the customer.
7) Relieving stress and improving comfort: Great web copies should be about selling products that will enhance the lives of customers. If a product is not really cut out to relieve stress or provide comfort, the copy should be written in a stress relieving manner. The copywriters wrote this: “They let you do familiar things more quickly and conveniently.” Tip: Finding a way to write about how your product or service brings about comfort is important.
8) Appeal to emotions and convince logic: Some customers are more emotional while others more logical. Writing for these two categories of customers is very important. Apple copywriters systematically used the word ‘Love’ to connect emotionally with readers. A part of the copy went thus: “Because we want you to love wearing it as much as you love using it.” To logical customers that love critical and systematic reasoning, the copy had this: “Apple Watch learns your activity and fitness level. It uses that information to improve the accuracy of your measurements.” Tip: Write for the emotions and logical reasoning of your visitors.
9) Focusing on popular passions of people: We all have our unique individual passions but somewhat share common ones. Apple copywriters understand this and focused on two core passions of people- connecting with loved ones and fitness. The copy has this: “Apple Watch also lets you connect with your favourite people in fun, spontaneous way.” Tip: The sales copy should focus on the passions of your customers.
10) Write in an inclusive manner: The last header on the sales copy from Apple went thus: “There’s an Apple Watch for everyone.” Whilst you aim for a niche learn to write for a wider audience. Tip: You could have direct or indirect customers reading your copy. The former buys to use whilst the later gets the product as a gift for someone else.
In the words of David Ogilvy: “When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.” So many techniques have been written on copywriting but the ultimate goal is to sell the product and not just your creativity.