Home Authors Posts by Willemijn Schneyder

Willemijn Schneyder

Willemijn Schneyder, RM
Why do so many overlook the fact that the product instruction manual is a key touchpoint in the customer's experience? Unfortunately most manuals are just boring technical product descriptions and the first thing which people throw aside after getting a rough idea of how the product works. I want to change that and that is why I am on a mission to simplify the world by making any new task easier to do. A customer experience evangelist! Rocking the World of Instructions!

Design your customers’ product experience with an Instruction Journey.

We should never miss an opportunity to surprise, delight and inform our customers. We all know this is true. So why do so many...

The forgotten touch point in your customer experience

When I unbox a new coffee machine I want to be able to make my first cappuccino and not learn how to clean the...

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