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Dick Wooden

Dick Wooden
CRM specialist to help you get the answers you need with sales, service, and marketing CRM software. I help mid-sized businesses select, implement and optimize CRM so that it works the way their business needs to work. My firm is focused on client success with remarkable customer experience, effective marketing and profitable sales using CRM strategy and tools.

CRM Core Beliefs – Relations among People vs. just a Technology

Having a mindset that CRM is Technology is certainly a limited approach. It causes a retraced and restriction that limits long term relationship building...

Smarter Selling – 5 steps and 59 proven ways -Business relationships

I have always found it helpful to observe different perspectives and listen to what successful people that I respect have to say. The definition...

Put your company head and shoulders above the rest

Is your business capable of being head and shoulders above the rest? Customer Relationship Management is based on developing profitable, win-win relationships with prospective and...

7 Ideas for Marketing Automation with ACT! Smart Tasks

Create multi-step campaigns to nurture new leads and incorporate these Drip Marketing plans into your Smart Task sequences. Drip Marketing blends simple tasks,...

Your Business – The Game of Grow or Die – Is MORE

People expect MORE every day. Not only the people who work in the business, but also the people who sell to the business,...

7 Ideas for Excellent Customer Service with Smart Tasks

Customer service is another great area to automate everyday tasks with Sage ACT!. By setting up Smart Tasks, you can deliver those extra...

Planning to Stay Successful, Avoid the Treadmill

You're finally there. Your business is clicking. New ideas flow, you adjust to changes as nimbly as a sailor to the waves, and the...

Customer retention – plugging the leaky pool- communicating

At the heart of customer defection is the lack of satisfaction. This isn't the same as dissatisfaction, which means an active dislike for...

Business Blogging as Business Relationship Development

The primary power of your business blog is its ability to engage in one-to-many conversations, affecting a multitude of relationships. Provide some type...

A ‘Keep-In-Touch’ Strategy – a Business Success Requirement

You need to connect with potential clients many times before they feel comfortable hiring you or purchasing your products. If you don't have a systematized...

Reconnect before Business Relationships are Lost – Automatically

To stay at the "Top of Mind" of your customers and prospects is the purpose of your Keep in Touch strategy. What...

Customer Retention as a Profit Center

The foundation of maximizing customer value has to be creating excellence in keeping and satisfifying customers! Does your company culture, regard customer retention as…

Using Google to the Fullest and Attract New Business

You already know how to use Google and you probably use it every day. So do your prospects, your customers, your employees and your...

3 Prescriptive Lenses for Blurry Business Vision

Some vision problems have nothing to do with needing bifocals. We all run the risk of thinking our own lens, through which we…

The Positive Value of 1, in Sales as in Life

The Positive Value of 1, in Sales as in Life We often overlook the affect ONE more event or ONE more action can provide…

For Creative Entrepreneurs Only – or those who want to be

As a business coach for entrepreneurs and as an entrepreneur myself, it is always helpful to look for ways to combine Creativity with Productivity...

The Essential Ingredient of Great Customer Service

Customer service isn't just one thing, it's the whole enchilada. The service experience customers have will either make them glad or mad. Glad means...

Candle of Life and Success with CRM

Could your light burn brighter for the life of your business? Is the light of your business growing brighter? Does your business warm...

BE Remarkable – Start with your content – 4 Tips

Attracting new prospects and others interested in what you can help them achieve is a whole lot easier when you and your business are...

Strengths Based Leadership – 12 core elements of engagement

Strengths Based Leadership - Great Leaders, Teams and Why People Follow (Tom Rath & Barry Gonchie, 2009) Key highlights of Tom's book…

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