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Rachel Miller

Rachel Miller
Rachel Miller is the Customer Engagement Manager at Nimble - a simple, affordable social relationship manager.

Improve Employee Morale with Customer Service Training

The morale level of employ­ees in a con­tact cen­ter, high or low, will be notice­able to cus­tomers via the words, tone, and actions of...

Customer Service Training: It’s Time To Sweat the Small Stuff

Fact: a customer's impres­sion of a cus­tomer ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive, the com­pany, and his or her over­all cus­tomer expe­ri­ence is influ­enced almost entirely by what...

Customer Service Training for Technical Support

Tech­ni­cal sup­port engi­neers are mas­ter multi-taskers. They bound seam­lessly from one caller to the next — with occa­sional breaks to refill a Big Gulp...

How to Improve First Call Resolution: Invest in Customer Service Training

Stud­ies show there is a direct cor­re­la­tion between First-Call-Resolution (FCR) and employee sat­is­fac­tion. Call cen­ter agents who are skilled at solv­ing cus­tomer issues receive...

Customer Service Training: The Manager’s Role

The most inte­gral role as a cus­tomer ser­vice man­ager is to cre­ate an envi­ron­ment of con­tin­u­ous learn­ing and improve­ment. Employ­ees fol­low management's lead, and...

Q and A: Benefits of Social Customer Service

The abil­ity of ser­vice orga­ni­za­tions to oper­a­tional­ize social media to opti­mize tra­di­tional sup­port chan­nels will no doubt be a pow­er­ful vari­able in long term...

The Role of First-Call-Resolution in Customer Satisfaction

There is an obvi­ous and unde­ni­able cor­re­la­tion between First-Call-Resolution (FCR) and cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion. When one goes up – the other fol­lows. Unfor­tu­nately the oppo­site...

Focus on Employee Engagement

Fact: Engaged employ­ees pro­vide bet­ter cus­tomer ser­vice. Tap into your center's great­est resource – the employ­ees – and reap the rewards! Engaged team mem­bers...

The Role of Consistency in Professional Support — Part 3: Communication Skills

One of the most impor­tant com­po­nents of supe­rior cus­tomer sup­port is hav­ing a team of tech­ni­cians with con­sis­tent com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. All tech­ni­cians must be...

The Role of Consistency in Professional Support – Part 2: Troubleshooting Skills

Con­sis­tent trou­bleshoot­ing skills are inte­gral to pro­vid­ing world class cus­tomer ser­vice in sup­port cen­ters. Cus­tomers want timely, pro­fes­sional, and con­sis­tent issue res­o­lu­tion – every...

Invest in Your Front-line Supervisors

If you're at all like me, you've lost count of the times you've read that you should be investing in your employees. Invest in...

Is There an App for That? Tailoring Customer Service for Mobile Devices

Did you hear? You can get whatever you want, whenever you want it – wherever you are! The ever increasing popularity of smart phones...

Employee Retention: Engage. Optimize. Retain.

Engage. Optimize. Retain. This is your new mantra. Starting today you are an employee engagement champion. Read on to fill your proverbial tool belt...

Telephone Etiquette 101: Never Say “No Problem”

No problem! It's a simple phrase uttered without a second thought after someone thanks you for assisting them. Despite being a commonly accepted English...

12 Management Skills All Great Bosses Must Have

What is the definition of a great boss? As a rule, great bosses are excellent communicators. They use verbal and body language to motivate, educate...

Perception and Customer Service

Think about the last time you experienced truly great customer service. What made it so memorable? Was it the person you spoke with? Was...

World Class Customer Service is Genderless

In response to the Telephone Etiquette post, we received this email question: Ms. Miller: When answering the phone, how do you determine if the person...

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