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Phil Bounsall

Phil Bounsall
As president at Walker, Phil is focused on the development and execution of strategies and operating plans designed to enhance Walker's position as a global leader in customer strategy consulting. Phil leads Walker's efforts in the areas of business impact consulting and mergers and acquisition services.

The Secret to Corporate Longevity—Tips for 2018

My great-grandfather lived to be older than most. He lived into his 96th year. And that’s how he would answer the question of his age.…

Find Your Grail

The Holy Grail. Many books have been written about the Holy Grail and modern man's search for the legendary chalice. In Dan Brown's page-turner,...

Customer Magic in the Digital World

Customers expect more from us today than ever before. In some ways they expect magic. Fueled in part by experiences we all enjoy as...

Customer Due Diligence Done the Right Way

Last time I talked about 5 Common Mistakes Business Acquirers Make With Customers. The point is that when strategic or financial buyers take a...

5 Common Mistakes Business Acquirers Make With Customers

When companies acquire other companies, much attention is given to how to make the deal as successful as possible as quickly as possible (for...

The Crocus and the Customer

I am officially declaring spring to have arrived. Living in the Midwest, I realize I could be jumping the gun a little, but my...

Look to Your Customers to Find Your Way

There is a saying (the only attribution I can find is that it comes from a fortune cookie!) that goes, "Though we cannot change...

The Grass is Always Greener

Do you ever feel that no matter what heights you achieve, your customers are never happy? Do you ever feel that as a customer...

Patience is a Virtue?

I have a sign that sits in front of me on my desk in a place that I can't help but see it many...

Channels. One Bite at a Time.

Serving customers in a way that creates a loyal following is hard. Add in the complexities created by an indirect go-to-market strategy and the...

3 Things Your Mom Taught You About Customers

There is a very important and early stage in our lives when we are impressionable and learn quite easily. Many of the things we...

Playing the Ponies and Customer Listening

If you go to a horse track and intend to place bets on certain horses, you will likely end up looking at a racing...

Walk a Mile in Your Customer’s Shoes

Companies that have excelled at the art of customer focus display many admirable traits, but key among them is empathy for their customers. Here...

The Impact of Austerity Programs on Change Management

We are all cutting costs. Have to. There is simply no choice for most companies because most companies are facing greater competition for lesser...

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