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David McNab

David McNab, CPA, CA
A senior level strategist, innovator and change agent, Dave has deep experience in customer intelligence and business intelligence strategy, with over 25 years of Financial Services management and Consulting experience in North America, South America, Middle East, Japan and UK. He has worked as a Consulting SME with IBM, Teradata and PwC (Coopers) and has run an independent practice for over 15 years.

Do Teaser Rate Campaigns Work?

Teaser rate campaigns have become commonplace for acquiring and cross-selling client deposit and investment balances but most banks we talk with struggle to know...

About Bank Deposit Services and Value TO Customers

The outstanding value delivered every day to consumers by core demand deposit account (DDA) services through retail banking operations of consumer banks is getting...

Customer value and management strategy

Too often we see articles and blogs claiming expertise in customer value and customer profitability management that are regurgitating lessons learned at business school...

The illogical logic of credit card rates

We have been hearing a lot of talk in Washington and Main Street about how credit card issuers are managing risk and rates lately,...

Current value, historical value, present value, lifetime value….

One of the more interesting aspects of customer value measurement - the precedent to customer value management - is that it can have so many...

Unprofitable Customers: Naughty or Nice ?

Customer value helps identify the top tier customers we need to focus retention activity on, but what of the other 80% of customers who...

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