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Kevin Schulman

Kevin Schulman
Twelve plus yrs of market research and analytics applied to customer acquisition, retention and consumer equity.

Market Research and Marketing Blindness

The market research industry is populated by intelligent, inquisitive individuals who love to label, segment and organize information. These characteristics are of great value...

The Satisfaction Dilemma

By: Steve Newman Customer retention is paramount given the economic down-turn. The challenge has been and continues to be how to drive loyal behaviors. ...

Using Text Analysis to Understand Key Drivers

Share of wallet is key metric for most businesses and grocery retailers are no exception.  We recently completed a national study of grocery customers...

Three Must Have’s for a Company KPI Metric

Firms spend a lot of time tracking stuff (or metrics in business lingo). Many of these metrics are direct indicators of a firm's...

Ford is Tops, Lexus Big Laggard when Compare Online Buzz To Customer Relationship Strength

There is an interesting ranking of automotive brand social media (unique) mentions by Infegy, http://infegy.com/buzzstudy/top-social-automotive-brands-april-2009/. It ranks 33 auto brands by the volume...

Why NPS is the One Number You Can Certainly Live Without

NPS, otherwise known as Net Promoter and formerly known (sort of like Prince) as a behavioral intent question measuring willingness to recommend is a...

You Better Figure Twitter Out Now – Here is Why

Very interesting article in AdAge, http://adage.com/digitalnext/article?article_id=133509, on how Twitter was used to capture online chatter (exercising my civil disobedience against the "buzz" term) during...

Guess What Doesn’t Matter to Strong Customer Relationships in the Grocery Biz? The Food.

We conducted a recent study , http://www.trgisky.com/resources/relationship-theory-drive-customer-retention-and-acquisition, among consumers to determine the strength of their relationships with the grocery store they shop most often....

Man Bites Dog – The Problem with Customer Satisfaction Programs are the Very Satisfied

How is this for man bites dog? The problem with customer satisfaction is the Very Satisfied. This seemingly ridiculous claim becomes more credible...

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