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Jason Green

Jason Green
Jason Green, co-author of the new book, Optimizing Growth, is a managing director with Alvarez & Marsal and has almost 30 years of consulting experience. He is the former CEO of The Cambridge Group and was a principal with the firm for over 20 years. Jason has worked with senior management teams at companies across industries and global markets to create and sustain profitable growth in their businesses. Prior to joining, Alvarez & Marsal, Jason was CEO of The Cambridge Group, and also worked at with McKinsey & Company.

Solving for Customer “Attrition Events” Is No Accident

Think of all the time, money and effort it takes to win with all your current customers. Now think about all the customers...

Your Cost Reduction Program is Over—Now What?

The good news is that your latest cost reduction program has been successfully completed. Now your business operates with a lower, more efficient...

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