Home Authors Posts by Jason Lackey

Jason Lackey

Jason Lackey
InnoPath Software
A lifelong tech enthusiast from the days of Adventure on a 3 baud acoustic coupler, Jason Lackey is InnoPath's demo guru, marcom jack of all trades and webmaster.

The Ramen Nazi and Other Customer Service Wonders

The Japanese are an interesting people. Usually reserved and quiet they sometimes surprise you. A series of movies, "Bakayaro" illustrate what happens when such...

Klaatu barada nikto! Rise of the Androids Redux

By now many have likely at least seen an Android phone and the device fetishists amongst us have probably even played with one. The...

Where’s my cupcake? When free giveaways fail

One of the many cool things about working in wireless in general and at a device management company like InnoPath in particular would be....devices!...

Zen and the Art of Handset Maintenance

You may be familiar with Robert Pirsig's 1974 work, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, which depending on your perspective is either a...

When Systems Override Logic — Why you should not let IT dictate business rules

Recently I had to spend a fair amount of time on the phone dealing with a mobile operator's customer care department. I had a...

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